Thursday, May 5, 2011

Glitter and Gold

I love theater arts. Though I am not a normal drama nerd either. Though as time goes on, and I get smarter, and older I realize how scary Hollywood seems.One, acting is not a solid job for me to start off with.Two, It is hard to find a grounded actor or actress. Stupidity can come easily once we get a taste of easy money and easy love. Yes, I actually dared to bring that up. Sorry, but even if I end up having people following this blog, I am not changing these statement for one bit. I use to dream of becoming famous, but now, not so much.

 I think I am very grounded, and know who I am and where I came from, for my age. Though, I don't know all that does on behind the camera. No matter how much I love to preform, I am going to have to be a lot stronger within myself and my savior before I can ever attempt at Hollywood. High school drama programs are looking a whole lot better, when I turn on that television.

We are living in a world where celebrities are being idolized, and being told they need to jump off a cliff for a TV show, movie, or song that a person disliked.  We are in a world where glitter, and impurity and instant gratification, alcohol and money are seeming to be longed for, over God. Yes, another risky topic that is not brought up much. We are also worried about feelings way to much, but that will be another post. Things that should not can be dangerous, dirty and make life troubling are glorified by avoiding the problem.  Jesus is not getting smaller, we are just turning a blind eye and finding that man made items, and things that mask our daily problems will fix us, cure us and make our personal pain smaller.

Most of us are thinking like this, maybe not you specifically, and not I. But most humans out there are, wither you want to believe it or not. Thinking that because celebrities look like they are having fun, I should do all I can to be like them. Remember, we do not see all that they are going through. A lot of the celebrities don't like the paparazzi, and all that comes with fame. Its essentially empty, and God will make our lives full. Not glitter, and not gold, dancing until we drop will not heal heart aches. Idolize celebrities, and you idolize what you portray them as.Something portrayed is easily changed to influence you negatively. It is fake, and work of deception, more than it is real. Living your life in their shadow can only bring pain in the near, or far future.

If you took anything out of this post, take this. There is a god shaped hole in all our hearts. Only God can fill it himself. Nothing man can provide will to that task. No glitter or gold. Just God.

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