Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bracing for the Impact

     If you hit your hand on a hot stove, it hurts right? If you know it would hurt again, why would you do it again? Sometimes I feel like that with my life, and it scares me. I know what is happening as it does. I know that it might come back to be a hot stove if I continue. Though, it's not something I am able to control apparently. I almost have this paranoid effect, because when I am bracing myself for that impact as I am falling towards, I constantly look around for where it will hit from. I even wonder if it will come at all. It is one big mess I tell you. Its a mistake, a mistake that as I get closer to God, I know will be fixed by following his plan instead of just free falling. I still look over my back, I have that habit. Though, I am slowly easing away from doing that, the longer it goes without making that impact with the hot stove.
      So as I find my way, please deal with these blog posts. This post started off as a nervousness release, yet, it turned out to be working my way through the problem, by admitting I should let God take control. I love how those things work. For now, I am still bracing for the impact. Though holding Gods hand helps me stay calm.

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