Sunday, September 2, 2012

Unevitable as Gravity

Sixth time
is more than a lonly rhyme
tell my heart I'm fine
though I see that line
I said it before
there will be nothing more
as I fall I fret
I will live to regret
All of me will be broken
and lifes precious token
I say I'm on guard
my defenses are hard
here my heart lies
here my soul cries
hope bloomed
because a chance was assumed
what love I poured
was only ignored
and here I go, here I fall
knowing I will never stand tall
happiness sought
but never caught
and here it is before me
never was I free
gravity, taking me still
my heart again will

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The sweet sound of a few hundred teenagers singing in praise still rings in my ears, though the camp ended weeks ago. It continues to overwhelm my heart with a joy that only comes with worship. The power of God spoke to all of us at Student Life camp this summer. On the last day of worship, It was a blessing to see the image of hands held high, outlined by the concert lights in the background. To see the spirit of God gathered up in one room where He is needed most, in the souls of us youth. It is needed here, before we take on the battle of life; and the one that we are already fighting within ourselves. It will continue to grow, and throw more troubles and obstacles at us when we leave our families. Even now we struggle along. We stumble for footing, just to be caught back up in his grace, and there we find our footing once again. The voices joined together, and rose up above the silence when the instruments dropped out. We knew the song, it was being sung in our hearts, and we had to cry out together. We became one strong voice that was fearless. No matter how beautiful to my own ears, It was a battle cry. And it was terrifying to the Devil. He seeks to harm us when he could not hurt the one he attempts to shame. We are approachable, and we are constantly reminded of our faults when he attacks. But that sound, of youth joined together in praise makes him retreat in fear. No one is more powerful than God, and when all of us find Him, the battle is won. It will still be difficult, and we will be thrown in the waves, but we have been saved. Thank you to Ben Stuart and Kristian Stanfill for a summer that I will never forget. Student Life, Audacious Summer 2012, Orange Beach Alabama