Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Together (because I need to say it)

       Well as my current one follower knows, because she is one of my best friends, I am moving. She does not want to talk about it, and I am not sure she will be reading this or not. But I will talk to this unknown audience of readers as if I knew she was going to read. Who would read this anyway? Sure I posted the link on Facebook. Though I am just another high schooler. I just like writing, so why should anyone take the time to read these words? I am not saying you should. Because most people in the world like to turn a blind eye to somethings and some people that just want to be real. And that's all I am and will be in these blog posts. So if you are still reading, stay tuned for what goes through me. Well, a piece of it anyway. And even though my one follower might not respond, even if she does read this. I wanted her to know how I felt, without saying it in a conversation. It would be to weird and it wouldn't come out like it does if I write it.