Saturday, April 23, 2011

Question's for the heart

Over the course of a year, I feel I have grown in many ways. Spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. If you had told me a year ago what all I was going to see, I would have laughed in your face. But, just like Kanye West says, what doesn't kill me, will make me stronger. I didn't believe it during the low parts, but it does make me stronger. If only It could make me physically stronger at the same time, then I would be really happy. But no, the only thing I have now is that after taste in my soul. The kind that makes me go over everything one by one, and sigh. Even though the sigh does not help, it feels like it should. So, what I am going to do is post some questions. You don't have to put any thought into them, they are just some that I had to answer on my own.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Why are bubbles round?

Why does the sun have to some up so early in the spring and summer, but when I have to get up early in the fall, it is very late?

Why do we have to make choices?

Why do we make wrong choices?

When we make those wrong choices, why do we have to live to regret them?

How come forgetting comes easy when I am told to do the dishes, but when it comes to those wrong choices, we can't go a day without remembering it?

Why does our heart, not listen to our head?

How come our heart and head do not get along?

Why do we have to take our own advice?

Would it be easier at times if we didn't?

Why is so easy to slip up?

Why are people annoying?

Why do you want to beat the crap out of those annoying people?

When did life start going in circles? (once and a while)

Why does my heart have to be protected now, because of my head and it screwing up so much?

Why does life seem so pleasant now that my head took over?

Why do I over think things?

Is it for the better?